October 1970, the theatrical adaptation of Martin Genest Film October Pierre Falardeau, will be presented in March 2010, from 2 to 20, at the Barracks Dalhousie, Quebec.
We know that the film tells the removal of Minister Pierre Laporte by four members of the Front de Liberation du Quebec, during what is called for: the events of October 70. It is interesting to note that the film is inspired by the book To end October one of the FLQ, Francis Simard, a book published in 1980 and reissued in 2001. There is also a great source of inspiration for Martin Genest, director of October 1970, and the designer of entertainment and artistic director of Théâtre Blanc, Jean Hazel. It helps to understand why, when we FLQ asked if they plead guilty or not guilty for the murder of Pierre Laporte, they answered: they are responsible.
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